United Poultry Concerns April, 27 2004

**Please spread the word**
Help Ban Force Feeding of Ducks in California

SB1520 passed out of the Senate Business and Professions Committee on April 26 with a 4-3 vote, but there is still more to do! There were 900 of letters in opposition. SB1520 will ban the force feeding of ducks and geese in California in 2012 and the sale of force fed foie gras in California.

What you can do now:

1. Write a letter to your State Senator and ask that they support SB1520. Remind them that the force feeding of ducks and geese is just another form of animal cruelty that should be banned in California. If you are faxing a letter, please be sure to sign it. Any letter you send must include your name and address!

To find out who your State Senator is and how to write them go to:

Please know that your letter as a constituent holds a lot of weight, please write!

2. To keep informed on this bill and what you can do, sign up at fgbill@vivausa.org .

3. Four Senators voted for this bill. If you would like, please send them a nice note thanking them for their support. Senator Vincent made powerful statements in support of the bill!

Senator Edward Vincent
State Capitol, Room 5052
Sacramento, CA 95814

Senator Liz Figueroa (Chair)
State Capitol, Room 4061
Sacramento, CA 95814

Senator Gilbert Cedillo
State Capitol, Room 3048
Sacramento, CA 95814

Senator Kevin Murray
State Capitol, Room 4082
Sacramento, CA 95814

Those who voted against the bill were Senators Aanestad, Brulte, and Machado. Machado made pleas on behalf of the farm.

For more information and possible points to include go to:

Thank you for supporting the ducks.  
PO Box 4398
Davis, CA 95617
530/759-8487 fax

United Poultry Concerns, Inc.
PO Box 150
Machipongo, VA 23405-0150
FAX: 757-678-5070