United Poultry Concerns
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16 January 2015
Meet Larry – A Little Chick Finds Love and a Home! Video By Rebecca Moore

Larry had been shipped in a box to the big city. Thankfully someone there knew he needed proper care and love. They called the sanctuary where I worked and I was able to adopt him. If you didn't know how sweet and special chickens are, this video shows how lovable they are, and how much we love him and all animals we are lucky to care for. Meet Larry here:

Larry the rooster

Whole Foods Compassion?

Rebecca Moore has a petition to Whole Foods on two sites: Please sign & share.

Whole Foods sign: Compassion for our animals
Whole Foods: Please place “Compassion for Animals” Signage by the vegan products, NOT the meat!

Petition one (thepetitionsite.com): Whole Foods: Please place “Compassion for Animals” Signage by the vegan products, NOT the meat!

Petition two (avaaz.org): Whole Foods Corporation, Atten: John Mackey, Founder and CEO: Put “Compassion for Animals” signs on Vegan Product Shelves, Not Meat!

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