23 December 2021

Banner with Hope Bohanec holding a chicken

Happy Holidays! Hope’s guest for this special holiday episode is her husband and best friend of 21 years, Cogen Bohanec. Over the years, Cogen and Hope have come across numerous animals in distress and have jumped into action to help animals both wild and domestic. In this episode, they recall some of their exciting, touching, and harrowing rescue stories to share them with you.

Cogen Bohanec received his PhD from the Center for Dharma Studies (CDS) in the History and Culture of Religions with an emphasis on Hindu Dharma and ethics. He also holds an MA in Buddhist Studies and has translated and taught Sanskrit for nearly ten years. He has assisted Hope for two decades in her animal rights work as well as co-authoring the book, The Ultimate Betrayal, with Hope.



Please include United Poultry Concerns in your holiday giving.
Season’s Greetings!
