Karen Davis, United Poultry Concerns 757-678-7875
Rochelle Landis, Animal Advocates of Pittsburgh
April 22 Earth Day Protest, Candlelight Vigil Will Be Held By
Citizens Against the Carnegie Chick Hatchery
"Unnatural, Cruel, Misleading," say protesters
Citizens Against the Carnegie Chick Hatchery will hold an Earth
Day Protest Demonstration and Candlelight Vigil at the Carnegie
Science Center on Saturday, April 22 from Noon to 5 pm, and 7 to
9 pm. Armed with Candles, Banners, Signs, Press Kits, and Handout
Literature, we will urge the elimination of the hatchery, a cruel
mockery of Earth Day.
Hatching motherless birds from mechanical incubators who then
"disappear," week after week, is a terrible lesson for children.
Anyone who opposes the tragedy of pet overpopulation cannot
condone the production of an endless stream of baby animals,
which encourages people to produce even more animals.
Dr. F. Barbara Orlans, a Senior Research Fellow at Georgetown
University, has urged the Center to "disband this exhibit and
replace it with a meaningful one."
Our press kits will include letters to the Center that explained,
before the hatchery opened, why the project was mistaken.
Unfortunately, Carnegie ignored every ethical consideration.
"Carnegie, with its vast resources, can easily come up with
something worthwhile to replace the pitiful sight of baby birds
struggling to emerge from their shells without the help that a
mother hen provides," says Dr. Karen Davis, president of United
Poultry Concerns and director of a sanctuary for domestic fowl.
"What kind of a lesson is that?"
"I am requesting to meet with the Center's director on the day of
our protest," Davis said. "An earlier meeting, held at the
request of Animal Advocates of Pittsburgh, confirmed that the
Center's directors know nothing about baby chicks and their need
for maternal care. They did not consider the consequences of the
project and kept changing their story about where these poor baby
birds would go. We will protest until they eliminate the
hatchery. When they do the right thing, then we'll go away, but
not before."
United Poultry Concerns. April 19, 2000
United Poultry Concerns, Inc.
PO Box 150
Machipongo, VA 23405-0150
FAX: 757-678-5070
(UPC News Release: CSC Earth Day Protest)