United Poultry Concerns October 4, 2000
UPC Letter to Hubbard Museum Re: Chicken Roping

October 4, 2000

Mr. Bruce Eldredge, President
The Hubbard Museum of the American West
PO Box 40
Ruidoso Downs, NM 88346

Dear Mr. Eldredge:

I am writing to you on behalf of our 10,000 members nationwide to ask you to cancel The Hubbard Museum's sponsorship of the chicken roping scheduled for October 15, 2000. Our investigation shows that the chicken roping consists of lassoing and binding both the head and the feet of hens and roosters for entertainment. This is moronic and inhumane. United Poultry Concerns is asking the Museum to remove the chicken roping from the program immediately. Roping chickens is not part of a cowboy's or anyone else's heritage, and if it were, it would not be justified.

The chicken roping will be an animal rights publicity campaign if it is not cancelled. We have already requested Joe Rhodes of Joe's Boot Shop to drop the shop's sponsorship of the event. However, the Museum has the authority to act intelligently and responsibly over and above Mr. Rhodes. I am asking you to do this now. Please cancel the chicken roping.

I look forward to a response from you as soon as possible.


Karen Davis, PhD

Related Links:

United Poultry Concerns. October 4, 2000

United Poultry Concerns, Inc.
PO Box 150
Machipongo, VA 23405-0150
FAX: 757-678-5070

(UPC Letter to Hubbard Museum Re: Chicken Roping)