"White House Egg Roll"-One More Bad Day At Black Rock
  • Date: Monday, April 13th, "Easter Monday"
  • Time: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
  • Where: The Washington Monument Grounds Northwest Quadrant near Constitution Avenue
  • Metro: (1) Smithsonian 12th street exit. Go west to 17th & Constitution Avenue, about 5 blocks. (2) Farragut West 17th Street exit. Go south to Constitution. About 5 blocks.
  • Why: To staff table, hold posters, and distribute literature in conjunction with the annual White House Easter Egg Roll, where 2-to-6-year old children push hard-boiled eggs down a 10-yard lane with plastic soup ladles on the White House lawn. About 20,000 people attend this event, which uses 7,000 hard boiled eggs from battery-caged hens. As a souvenir, each child receives a colored wooden egg "signed" by the president.

    Our United Poultry Concerns table will tell the truth about eggs including the cages, debeaking, forced molting, filth, salmonella, slaughtering, and total suffering. We will have handout literature, posters, and a Banner: Sick Chickens Cooped in Poop!

    We'll feature Replacing Eggs & Celebrate Life Without Eggs.

    Please Join Us. We Need Your Help. Look for the Bright Blue Plastic Canopy.

    For more information contact Karen Davis at 301-948-2406 or Franklin Wade at franklin@smart.net

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