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Jeff Zucker, Executive Producer
The Today Show
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112-0002
ph:(212) 664-4249. Press 4 for comments
- According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, eggs
contaminated with Salmonella have caused significant numbers of
human illnesses and continue to be a major public health concern.
"Salmonella infected flocks have become prevalent throughout the
- Each year, the U.S. egg industry intentionally deprives millions
of hens of all food for an average of 1-2 weeks, until they lose
25 to 35 percent of their body weight. This starvation practice,
known as forced molting, is a primary cause of Salmonella
poisoning in chickens, eggs, and people.
- The modern hen house is loaded with rodents. Every night, mice
deposit an average of 100 fecal pellets per mouse in a 24 hour
period in the hens' food. These Salmonella-ridden fecal pellets
are the first thing the caged hens consume in the morning.
- The eggs being advertised on The Today Show are laid in filthy,
infested hen houses filled with manure and permeated with toxic
excretory ammonia fumes. A one million hen complex produces 125
tons of wet manure a day.
The Egg Nutrition Board--the egg industry--is not about
public health--just public relations. The caged birds live and
lay their eggs in squalor--ingesting and inhaling Salmonella
poison day in, day out--which is conveyed to consumers of eggs
and egg products via the hens' ravaged immune system. The idea is
to condition the public to accept Salmonella-infested eggs as
"normal." This is a baldfaced lie.