Action Alert!
Boston Benefit for United Poultry Concerns


United Poultry Concerns is delighted to announce that BRAVE, an animal rights/vegetarian organization in Boston, MA is sponsoring a Fundraising Benefit for United Poultry Concerns. If you are in the Boston Metropolitan area, please join in!

Contact: Richard Griffin at 617-262-5761. E-mail Richard at:

When: Sunday, May 17, 1998 Walk Starting Time: 11:30 A.M. Where: Participants will meet outside the Park Street Subway Station at Tremont Street in Boston at 11:00 AM. Walk begins promptly at 11:30 AM.

Rain Date: May 3rd.

For the Birds Walkathon will target restaurants and live poultry markets and include a fantastic victory dinner following the Walkathon. (Participants must buy their own dinner.) Don't Wait! Call or e-mail Richard Griffin today! Help make this Benefit a Big Success for BRAVE, for UNITED POULTRY CONCERNS, FOR THE BIRDS!

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