We Cordially Invite You to Attend
Our Easter Eggless Extravaganza Poultry Passover Picnic!
Hosted By: United Poultry Concerns

When: Saturday, April 11 from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.

What: Ravishing All-Vegetarian Desserts & Dishes Champaign & Other Grapeful Goodies

Easter Egg-Free Hunt For the Kids!

Who: Chickens, people, ducks: Oslo & Katya!
Special Guest Visit by Abigail, the Turkey

Where: 14331 Poplar Hill Road, Germantown, MD 20874

Bring: Your favorite dessert or other dish to share
(No dairy, egg or meat ingredients, please)
A treat for the birds
Can of peas or corn, cooked rice, romaine lettuce,
kale, blueberries, bean sprouts, whole grain bread

Duck ditties, rooster rollicks, henhorns, turkeytunes!

Special Reading of "The Poultry Poem"
Books & T-shirts for sale
Donations Welcome

Contact: Karen Davis day/eve 301-948-2406
Address: 14331 Poplar Hill Road, Germantown, MD 20874

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