Boy Scouts of America Cancel Chicken Slaughter
"If the offices of the Boy Scouts had not heard from so many
people today [Friday, Nov 19] . . . the slaughter would have
occurred." Lydia Nichols, Executive Director, Animal Liberation
of Texas
United Poultry Concerns wishes to thank the organizations
and individuals who succeeded in getting the Boy Scouts chicken
slaughter, planned by a troop leader in Texas for Saturday,
November 20th, cancelled. It may be recalled that in April 1998,
Boy Scouts Troop 890, also in Texas, hacked a flock of chickens
to death in a field as an exercise in "how food gets to the
table" (See POULTRYPRESS Spring/Summer 1998,
). (15 of the
80 Scouts refused to participate.) The Boy Scouts of America
condemned that killing and said it wouldn't happen again:
"Scouting's position is that killing an animal isn't part of any
BSA program."
United Poultry Concerns is investigating whether the Boy
Scouts policy against "animal bashing" has become a formal,
standardized written policy with serious penalties for
infractions, as we urged in 1998, when it was not.
United Poultry Concerns gratefully congratulates Animal
Liberation of Texas and everyone whose outcry forced the Boy
Scouts Longhorn Council of Ft. Worth to research the issue and
cancel the chicken slaughter. THANK YOU!
United Poultry Concerns. November 21, 1999
United Poultry Concerns, Inc.
PO Box 150
Machipongo, VA 23405-0150
FAX: 757-678-5070
(Boy Scouts of America Cancel Chicken Slaughter)