"What I think is right strategy and right psychology is for the people who liberate animals to come forth and identify themselves as the people who did it"
-Tom Regan, Civil Disobedience

Do you agree? This is one of the many questions we will discuss. United Poultry Concerns will hold an informed and even heated debate about Direct Action for Animals: What does it mean? How does it work? How does it help animals? Is it the only way?
Participants include Freeman Wicklund (Animal Liberation League), Katie Fedor (NA-ALFPO), Bruce Friedrich (PETA), Karen Davis (United Poultry Concerns), Norman Phelps (The Fund for Animals), Debbie Leahy (Illinois Animal Action), Miyun Park (Compassion Over Killing), Kim Stallwood (The Animals' Agenda), Pamela Rice (VivaVegie Society), Richard Griffin (BRAVE), Zoe Weil (Center for Compassionate Living), Dean Smith (American Anti-Vivisection Society), Patty Mark (Animal Liberation Action Magazine, Australia).
Where: United Poultry Concerns, Machipongo, VA located on Virginia's Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay.
When: Saturday June 26, 1-6PM & Sunday June 27, 9AM-5PM.
Registration fee: $20.00 per person, pre-paid.
Send check or money order and a SASE to United Poultry Concerns, PO Box 150, Machipongo, VA 23405 (757-678-7875). You will receive an agenda, directions, airport & motel information.
For updates on the conference, followed by our Direct Action for Chickens on Monday June 28, visit our website: www.upc-online.org.