United Poultry Concerns
Promoting the compassionate and respectful treatment of domestic fowl

PO Box 150 Machipongo, VA 23405-0150
(757) 678-7875
FAX (757) 678-5070

Fall 1999

Dear Friend of United Poultry Concerns,

Thank you for your invaluable support during the past year. I am writing to you now because United Poultry Concerns urgently needs your financial help at this time. Would you please make a significant contribution to help us?

Please let me explain. Along with our many program expenses, United Poultry Concerns has had major financial obligations to meet as a result of our move from Maryland to Machipongo, Virginia last September, including over $20,000 to improve the area devoted to our chicken sanctuary. We are currently building yet another house and fenced area for our birds whose numbers have doubled since we arrived here, from 60 to 120 rescued birds. As the majority of our birds come to us ill and abused, there are major ongoing veterinary expenses as well.
Rescued Hens Enjoy Their New Home at UPC

To help you understand our situation a little more, United Poultry Concerns has a monthly mortgage in the amount of $347.13, along with other expenditures, including the government demands that UPC be consistent with our nonprofit status. We have had to hire an accountant to do the extremely complicated paperwork required to maintain our charity status under the IRS.

Our sanctuary and relocation expenses have been, and continue to be, substantial. Our educational outreach, including the detailed investigations upon which all of our campaigns and Action Alerts are based, require significant outlays of money every day of the year.

If United Poultry Concerns is going to continue to be a key player in the animal advocacy movement, we must have the funds necessary to do our vital work. Whether it be conferences or computer searches--every project expense comes from our donations.

Dear friends, if you value the programs, accomplishments, and goals of United Poultry Concerns, and if you agree that we fill a much needed place in the animal advocacy movement, please pledge your support by sending us the most generous donation you can possibly give. Your money will be well spent.

Whether you are reading our Newsletter, POULTRYPRESS, or viewing our web site or seeing our name in print, please consider the effort that goes into every aspect of our work. Our Web Site Administrator, Franklin Wade, runs our web site without pay while holding down a full-time job elsewhere. Likewise, our Secretary Treasurer, Joan Holtgraver, has done all our bookkeeping on a strictly volunteer basis since we began in 1990. She too holds down an additional full-time job. My own monthly salary as full- time president and sanctuary caregiver is $720. This comes from your donations. I have no additional income.

United Poultry Concerns is made up of people who are dedicated to improving the lives and the moral status of domestic fowl in our society. That is our mission. Won't you please show your support for what we are doing by making the most generous donation possible at this time? Please don't wait. Your help is needed now. That is why I am urging you today. Thank you for responding to our need.

We are and always will be For the Birds.


    Karen Davis
    United Poultry Concerns, Inc.

What a chicken can be
when a chicken is free!

United Poultry Concerns is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization which addresses the treatment of domestic fowl in food production, science, education, entertainment, and human companionship situations. We promote the compassionate and respectful treatment of domestic fowl. All donations are fully tax-deductible Federal I.D. 52-1705678.

Please mail to: United Poultry Concerns * PO Box 150 * Machipongo, VA 23405-0150
YES! I want to save chickens from a life of cruelty, pain, and fear. Please use my gift to support your campaign to save every chicken in America. Enclosed is:

$50 $100 $250 $500
$1000 Other $_______
Name ______________________
Address ____________________

Thank you in advance for your generous contribution.