United Poultry Concerns
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1 May 2014
Urban Adamah Community Center Cancels Slaughter of 15 Hens under Pressure of Opposition

The 15 hens
These hens were going to be killed on Sunday, May 4 but for now they appear to be safe.

The slaughter of 15 young hens that was scheduled for a class in kosher butchery on Sunday May 4 – International Respect for Chickens Day no less! – has been cancelled by Urban Adamah in Berkeley, CA, in response to the overwhelming outcry of dismay and opposition to this plan that flew over the Internet. For background, please see News Release: Bay Area Animal Advocates Urge Jewish Urban Farm NOT to Slaughter 15 Chickens.

In a statement today, Urban Adamah announced “we are canceling our shechita (ritual chicken killing) workshop planned for this Sunday. Our landlord has asked us to cancel the event. We do not have explicit permission in our lease for this activity. It has also become clear that there is a significant protest being organized outside the farm during the workshop. We cannot . . . move ahead as planned given the current circumstances.”

United Poultry Concerns thanks everyone who took the time to protest against this plan to betray, frighten and kill these beautiful young hens “compassionately” because they were not laying enough eggs any more. Bay Area activists are going to do everything possible to try to get the hens to the sanctuaries that await them, where they will be permanently safe and loved for the rest of their lives. Next is to encourage the community center, respectfully but urgently, to return to its original gardening of plants for food, without involving chickens, rabbits, goats or any other creatures in projects that would cause them needless pain, fear, suffering and death.

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