19 June 2014
Karen Davis, Liqin Cao & Franklin Wade will host our Exhibit Table – Stop by for handout literature, T-shirts, books, buttons and more!
Karen Davis’s Speaking Schedule
10:00 – 11:00 AM
University Room
Free-Range Poultry & Eggs: Humane Alternatives to Factory Farm Products?
“Free-range” evokes a positive image of chickens and turkeys living outdoors with plenty of fresh air, sunshine and open space to roam in.
“Cage-free” and “organic” convey a similar impression of birds living “free” as nature intended. What are the realities
behind “free-range,” “cage-free” and “organic” labels? – Karen Davis, PhD

Photo by Liqin Cao
Pasquerilla Performing Arts Center
Emcee: Vance Lehmkuhl
Liberating the Language of Animal Abuse: Choosing Our Words Carefully to Get People to Care About and Help Animals.
– Karen Davis, PhD
11:15 – 12:15 PM
Engineering & Science Bldg. – Room 200
What Everyone Needs to Know About Feather & Down Products
Many people think feather products come from feathers that fall naturally off the bodies of birds. Learn the realities of the industrial feather and down
trade, including how this trade is linked to the production of foie gras and what you can do to avoid feather products when making hotel reservations,
buying winter clothing, and choosing jewelry. – Karen Davis, PhD
2:00 – 3:00 PM
Scholar’s Room
“Don’t Gobble Me!” Turkeys: Who Are They?
The turkey is America’s unofficial national bird, yet most people know little or nothing about turkeys, who are ritually portrayed by the media each
year as figures of fun and Thanksgiving dinner. Through my visual presentation I will replace misleading stereotypes with fascinating facts. – Karen
Davis, PhD
For more info: Vegetarian Summerfest 2014
Liqin Cao & Franklin Wade: “We look forward to seeing you at Summerfest!”