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23 December 2016
“Let Them Eat Chicken,” Audubon

Daniel Coady, head of the poultry operation at White Oak Pastures, walks the farm at dusk to collect the remnants of chickens torn apart by eagles. Photo: Bryan Meltz
Photo: Bryan Meltz


“I find this article very insensitive to the chickens”
– Karen Davis, INBOX, Audubon, Winter 2016, p. 11.


Karen Davis’s letter, under “Basic Instinct,” is a response to An Organic Chicken Farm in Georgia Has ... - audubon.org, Fall 2016:

There is nothing natural about a wide-open expanse of land for chickens – they evolved in the tropical rainforest and, despite all the problems our species has bred into them physically, their “wild” nature is intact. Let a fox or a hawk appear and they put up a huge commotion and rush under the trees and bushes. Looking at these photographs, there is no way a hen (especially these rather heavy-bodied brown hens) could escape an overhead predator fast enough in all that open space.

I find this article very insensitive to the chickens and what they’re experiencing as a result of the situation they have been forced into by their keepers. Where are the trees and bushes? These are essential elements for chickens and the environment they need to thrive.

United Poultry Concerns
Machipongo, VA

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