Photo of Karen holding Nathaniel by Rich Cundari
A Profile of UPC President Karen Davis
By Lisa de Crescente, FARMUSA
“Karen and her powerful organization have managed to put chickens firmly and permanently on the AR map.”
Read the article here:
Feathered Friends
This article portrays Karen’s experience and opinions of the hazards and happiness of being an Animal Rights activist and sanctuary provider through 32 years of dedicated activism for chickens and a preparatory decade of “learning the trade” in the 1980s. Included are such thoughts as these:
“A committed activist who won’t burn out needs three important things: facts, confidence, and passion. Activism requires persistence, a friendly manner and firmness. When we know our subject and can articulate our issues, our confidence grows along with our credibility, and we become stronger and more effective every time we speak. But facts by themselves may not be persuasive. If we lack or fail to convey passion for our cause, we will have a hard time getting people’s attention.”
“If you need to take a break, do so – but come back energized and ready to contribute your time and talents to helping the animals. Every social justice movement is frustrating in one way or another to its participants. The important thing is to stay active and optimistic as an activist for animals and animal rights.”
“Don’t let your friends, family and coworkers ‘get to you.’ Remember that the average person is not a revolutionary. Try to influence your critics by your example, personal and professional.”
“I am concerned about the growing intersectionalism dominating the animal liberation movement’s conferences and discourse to the extent that the animals are overwhelmed by human social justice issues. Similarly, promoting veganism for strictly health reasons eliminates the animals from consciousness, which is a grave and cruel betrayal.”
I warmly thank Lisa de Crescente and FARMUSA for initiating this thoughtful contribution to their CHARM Program.
Celebrating Heroes in the Animal Rights Movement (CHARM) is a program of Farm Animal Rights Movement FARM.
Photo of Viva by Karen Davis