14 October 2022

Home, Sweet Hens – All 21 are Now Here!

Wednesday, October 12, we adopted into our sanctuary twenty-one lovely brown hens from the Department of Public Works/ Mosquito Control in Virginia Beach, VA. Biologist Kaitlyn Price and two interns delivered the hens in a huge pick-up after months preparing for this happy occasion. Right now the hens are living together in their own place, but they will soon be liberated into the large open, predator-proof yard occupied by Rowdy the rooster and his ladies.

“I’m very happy that they are settling into their new home. I love that their personalities are starting to shine through, and I’m sure even more will come out once they have access to the big yard.” - Kaitlyn Price

We’re delighted to welcome these beautiful, friendly brown hens! – Karen Davis, UPC


hens eating pumpkins
They enjoy pumpkins in their previous home

hen looking into the camera
Hen up close in carrier

hens arriving on a truck
They’re here!

hen looking into the distance
She looks out at her new horizon

hens exploring their new home
Together in their new home