29 March 2017

Veggie Pride Parade Sunday April 2nd

Karen Davis and others holding the Veggie Pride Parade banner.
Karen Davis (second from the left) and fellow activists at the Veggie Pride Parade NYC. Join us Sunday, April 2, 2017!
Karen will speak & UPC will host an exhibit table.

Dear Friends,

Sunday, April 2 marks the 10th Anniversary of the New York City Veggie Pride Parade! Founded and organized each year by NYC activist Pamela Rice, it features a rowdy Parade followed by a rousing Rally. From the press release:

Enter the 10th annual NYC Veggie Pride Parade, which will take place in Greenwich Village/Union Square, on Sunday, April 2, 2017. For vegetarians, the day's festivities are sure to give their meatless way of living a much needed boost.

Parade participants are encouraged to dress up in costumes and wear sign boards announcing their pride in their vegan lifestyle. Local restaurants, veg groups, and veg everything will be represented with banners and chants. The parade will include animal-rights activists, environmentalists, and people simply concerned with their health. But on April 2, 2017, all will come together with one voice, one expression, of veggie pride.

The procession will begin at 12 Noon, sharp, in the Old Meat Packing District (where 9th Ave. & Gansevoort St. intersect). It will culminate in a festival for all to enjoy at the north end of Union Square Park. There, revelers of all persuasions will hear well-known vegan speakers and music by vegan artists. They'll all partake in free vegan food and explore a wide variety of exhibitor presentations. At 2 p.m., a costume contest will take place.


We look forward to seeing you Sunday April 2 in NYC!
Free Farmed Animals– Go Vegan!

For more upcoming events with UPC, visit UPC Events