UPC FOIA requests to VA officials re: Black Eagle Farm (March 1, 2011)
March 1, 2011
Officer Sandy Solar
Nelson County Office of Animal Control
PO Box 336
Lovingston, VA 22949
Officer Solar:
This request for public records is made under the Code of Virginia Freedom of Information Act. This request is directed to obtaining copies of all records and documents related to Black Eagle Farm owned by Ralph Glatt, 596 Martin Lane, Piney River, Nelson County VA 22964.
The requestor seeks inspection of all records pertaining to the laying hens and other poultry maintained by Black Eagle Farm (also known as Piney River Organics LLC) from January 1, 2010 to March 1, 2011.
This request is pursuant to the letter addressed to you December 16, 2009, by Rachel Touroo, DVM, Staff Veterinarian for Animal Care, VDACS, “to perform unannounced inspections [of Black Eagle Farm] to ensure that adequate and necessary care is being provided to these animals on a routine basis” in accordance with required provisions of Sections 3.2-6570 of the Virginia Comprehensive Animal Care laws.
Please send the requested records to:
Karen Davis, PhD, President
United Poultry Concerns
12325 Seaside Road, PO Box 150
Machipongo, VA 23405-0150
The requestor is a 501(c)(3) organization (Federal ID: 52-1705678). As such, we ask that any search or duplication fees for the records be waived. If you have questions regarding this request, please contact the requestor at 757-678-7875 to expedite disclosure of the requested documents. Thank you for your assistance. We look forward to your reply within ten business days.
Karen Davis, PhD
March 1, 2011
Daniel A. Kovich, DVM, MPH
Staff Veterinarian for Animal Care and Health Policy
VA Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Division of Animal & Food Industry Services
PO Box 1163
Richmond, VA 23218
Dr. Kovich:
This request for public records is made under the Code of Virginia Freedom of Information Act. This request is directed to obtaining copies of all records and documents related to Black Eagle Farm owned by Ralph Glatt, 596 Martin Lane, Piney River, Nelson County VA 22964.
The requestor seeks inspection of all records pertaining to the laying hens and other poultry maintained by Black Eagle Farm (also known as Piney River Organics LLC) from January 1, 2010 to March 1, 2011. Please send the requested records to:
Karen Davis, PhD, President
United Poultry Concerns
12325 Seaside Road, PO Box 150
Machipongo, VA 23405-0150
The requestor is a 501(c)(3) organization (Federal ID: 52-1705678). As such, we ask that any search or duplication fees for the records be waived. If the waiver is denied, please notify the requestor by telephone at 757-678-7875 before the request is processed.
If you have questions regarding this request, please contact the requestor at 757-678-7875 to expedite disclosure of the requested documents. Thank you for your assistance. We look forward to your reply within ten business days.
Karen Davis, PhD