Freddaflower Memorial & Appreciation Fund

The pain of losing them is the price we pay for the privilege of knowing them and sharing their lives . . .

We thank those people who have contributed to our work with recent donations In Loving Memory and in Honor and Appreciation of the following beloved family members and friends, both those who have passed away and those who are with us.

  • My donation is in memory of Tallie, beloved chicken of Rebecca Wrock, from Bee and Don. – Beatrice Friedlander

  • In memory of our beautiful and precious dog, Luna, who was so loving and sweet. We were so fortunate to have her in our family. She will remain in our hearts forever. – Ronnie and Steve Steinau

    Luna, the Dog
  • Please accept this donation given in memory of Jelly Bean, a rescued cockatiel much loved by Anna Piccolo. – Holly Pearson

  • In memory of our beloved hen Gabby, who died on July 4th of a gastrointestinal illness our veterinarian tried unsuccessfully to heal. Every rescued bird who dies in our care is deeply mourned and missed, only we had Gabby from the time she was a tiny chick living in the kitchen with Felix, who died suddenly on September 4, 2015. Gabby, still a baby at the time, ran into my office cheeping her heart out to tell me something bad had happened to Felix. She knew exactly where to find me to follow her into the kitchen that sad morning. I will never forget her cheeping cries urging me to where Felix lay dead of congestive heart failure. Now these two precious friends rest together in peace. – Karen Davis, United Poultry Concerns

    Gabby standing on Felix
    Gabby and Felix, August 2015
  • My donation is to honor Karen Davis and her wonderful helpers. Thank you and love you for all that you do. – Joan Martin

  • In honor of Nero, Fredericka, Julie, Nathaniel, Leonard, and Bertha, remembered forever and sadly missed. – Paul Deane

  • My gift is in honor of All God’s Creatures. – Brien Comerford