Freddaflower Memorial & Appreciation Fund

The pain of losing them is the price we pay for the privilege of knowing them and sharing their lives . . .

We thank those people who have contributed to our work with recent donations In Loving Memory and in Honor and Appreciation of the following beloved family members and friends, both those who have passed away and those who are with us.

  • Our adorable rooster, Lorenzo, was brought to our sanctuary in 2013 by caring people who said neighbors complained that he crowed too loud in their Raleigh, NC suburb. Living with us, Lorenzo crowed as loud and as often as he pleased! We loved his exuberant and sweet personality. He died on Sunday, July 31, 2022 from complications due to his advanced age.

    lorenzo the rooster

    Jewel, our white Pekin duck in front, enjoyed quiet time with his companion Jamaica. They were rescued from a bad situation in Charlottesville, VA February 19, 2018 together with two other ducks, both males. Sadly, on Wednesday, September 14, 2022, Jewel had to be euthanized at the animal hospital after he lost his coordination and could no longer function physically. Jamaica meanwhile is doing very well. – United Poultry Concerns

    Jewel and Jamaica

  • My contribution to UPC is my translation of your new English-language brochure Live Bird (Poultry) Markets into Spanish, Mercados de Aves Vivas (Aves de corral). My son and I are very happy to help you and your cause. My heart goes out to these birds and we do whatever we can when able. – Carolina Roberts

  • In honor of Nero, Fredericka, Julie, Nathaniel, Leonard, and Bertha, remembered forever and sadly missed. – Paul Deane

  • My gift is in honor of All God’s Creatures. – Brien Comerford