Urge Marriott to Discontinue Feather & Down Products

Plucked goose standing in crowded space with other plucked geese Photo of live plucked geese by Four Paws International.

United Poultry Concerns sent a written letter to Marriott on August 7, 2024 urging them to take a pioneering role in the hospitality industry and switch from down pillows and duvets to 100% synthetic feather-free bedding.

Down, the soft breast feathers of live birds, is mixed with slaughterhouse feathers from ducks, geese and chickens to fill pillows and comforters at many hotels and in the making of some designer outerwear. The feathers originate on industrial farms where they are ripped from the bodies of live geese, leaving them bleeding in excruciating pain. Other feathers are byproducts of the foie gras industry, in which ducks and geese are force fed with metal tubes to create diseased livers for gourmet appetizers.

Marriott responded with a single email statement: “Thank you for your contacting us. We are making note of your concern and sharing it with management.”

Marriott uses goose down products throughout its hotel chain as well as selling down bedding in their online store. When you sleep at a Marriott hotel, your head may be resting on feathers torn from live geese. Call on Marriott to stop using cruel goose down bedding, and switch to ethical, cruelty-free alternatives.

When making hotel reservations, arrange for foam-filled pillows and comforters in your room, and check the bedding tags to be sure they are labeled polyester. Politely inform store clerks and hotel personnel that you are ALLERGIC TO ANIMAL ABUSE and that their “feathers” policy will influence your future patronage. Kindly give them a copy of our handout “Birds Suffer Horribly for Pillows & Coats.”

Woman sitting in a chair holding and plucking a goose Geese filmed being plucked alive in Poland courtesy of Four Paws International.

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