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Freddaflower Memorial & Appreciation Fund

The pain of losing them is the price we pay for the privilege of knowing them and sharing their lives . . .

We thank those people who have contributed to our work with recent donations In Loving Memory and in Honor and Appreciation of the following beloved family members and friends, both those who have passed away and those who are with us.

Dear Friends, please accept the enclosed donation in memory of our sweet kitty, Leila the Nutsobunny. We called her Nutsobunny because she would run around the house for 15 minutes at a time, then pounce on floating dust motes. We miss our intelligent and loving kitty. – Farrell Winter

liqin-with-freddaflower (80K)
Liqin Cao and Freddaflower

Our donation is in memory of our beloved parakeet, Sharon, who passed away on October 19, 2014, at the age of eleven. – Joanne Douglas Lampe and Raymond Lampe

In memory of my dear friend, Gail Tager, who passed away on January 12, 2014 after a difficult and courageous battle with cancer.  Gail is greatly missed by her many friends, family members and colleagues. – Margaret Kenan Carpenter

In honor of Nero, Fredericka, Julie, Nathaniel, Leonard, and Bertha, remembered forever and sadly missed. – Paul Deane

My gift is in honor of All God’s Creatures. – Brien Comerford

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