United Poultry Concerns Find a Permanent New Home
Our rented house--the home of United Poultry Concerns, including our chicken sanctuary--is on a piece of land that will soon be sold under duress of urban sprawl. We must find a permanent home for our office and our chicken sanctuary.
We need 5 acres of land including a house for our office space and education center, and preferably an existing chicken enclosure and feed storage area. It must be a quiet location that's legally zoned to allow the keeping of poultry including crowing roosters, but well within range of business services and touring opportunities for the public.
Thanks to the generous response of our members we now have $25,000 in our Relocation Savings Account Fund. We need to raise at least $25,000 more as quickly as possible.
In addition, we are asking donors: Would you be interested in buying the property we need and deeding it to us? A charitable donation of land can provide the donor with a handsome tax benefit.

Photo by Jeri Metz
Please help us. We are a dedicated activist organization with a small budget. We do not have the collateral--stocks, bonds, and other financial assets--required by a bank. Your most generous gift of tax-deductible property, funds, or both will ensure that thousands of abused birds will be saved and that United Poultry Concerns is assured of a permanent and growing future.
We welcome inquiries.
Karen Davis, President-Director
United Poultry Concerns, Inc.
P.O. Box 59367
Potomac, Maryland 20859
Ph: 301-948-2406