Ballot Initiatives to Ban Cockfighting In November
Citizens Against Cockfighting, Tucson & Phoenix Arizona
"I'm pleased to pass on our good news."
– Jamie Massey, Citizens Campaign Manager
Missourians Against Cockfighting, St. Louis, Missouri
"This goal which was only a dream seven months ago. With the help
of over 1700 volunteers across the state, the goal was met."
– Barbara Gray & Sandy Mickelson, MO Campaign Managers

Photo by David Sanders/Las Vegas Review Journal
Jamie Massey, president of Tuscon-based Citizens against cockfighting, displays a rooster blade.
- On July 1 Citizens Against Cockfighting turned in to the
Arizona Secretary of State 189,007 voters' signatures demanding
that a measure to ban cockfighting in Arizona be put on the
November ballot. As the number of valid signatures required is
112,961, we should have more than enough to qualify.
75 percent of those signatures were gathered by 822 volunteers working tirelessly for 19 and a half months. (The other 25% were gathered by paid circulators.) Our top four volunteers gathered a total of 29,221 signatures!
- On July 2 Missourians Against Cockfighting delivered to the Secretary of State's Office over 136,000 initiative petition signatures in 6 large boxes, more than 10,000 pages in 3 large boxes!
What makes the Arizona and Missouri ballot initiatives noteworthy is that never before has there been a ballot measure banning cockfighting. Why? Part of the answer is that, by the time the first state – South Dakota – adopted the initiative process in 1898, cockfighting was already illegal in 30 states. Another 12 states banned cockfighting before the Great Depression.

Arizona Citizens Against Cockfighting and Missourians Against
to bring their hard-won campaigns to victorious ballot victories
in November. Please help both groups as generously as you can.
Find out how you can help and send contributions to:
Citizens Against Cockfighting
PO Box 17472
Tucson AZ 85731
Call Tucson: 520-722-0129
Call Phoenix: 602-392-4272
Missourians Against Cockfighting
11939 Manchester Rd, #130
St Louis MO 63131
Call 1-888-98CRUEL(982-7835)
Call: 314-644-7070