Accredited Animal Shelter

PoultryPress is published quarterly by United Poultry Concerns, Inc.,
a national nonprofit
501(c)(3) organization incorporated in the State of Maryland.
Federal I.D.: 52-1705678
United Poultry Concerns
PO Box 150
Machipongo, Virginia 23405-0150 USA
(757) 678-7875
Visit Our Web Site:

Summer/Fall 1998
Volume 8, Number 3
Vol 8, No 3

Photo by Karen Davis
Andrea Brown, UPC's summer intern, is surrounded by rescued school hatching project chickens from Pennsylvania.
Inside This Issue
- Judge Issues Opinion on Live Animal Markets
- We Are Moving!
- Ballot Initiatives to Ban Cockfighting In November
- Join UPC's Citizens for Clean Fun, Not Mean Fun
- Veterinarians Should Oppose the Intentional Starvation of Animals for Profit
- Support the AAVS Petition to Include Birds, Rats, And Mice in the AWA
- Balancing Economics and Evil
- Members in Action! Thank You!
- Updated: Intensive Poultry Production: Fouling The Environment