Accredited Animal Shelter
PoultryPress is published quarterly by United Poultry Concerns, Inc.,
a national nonprofit
501(c)(3) organization incorporated in the State of Maryland.
Federal I.D.: 52-1705678
United Poultry Concerns
PO Box 150
Machipongo, Virginia 23405-0150 USA
(757) 678-7875
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Winter 1999-2000
Volume 9, Number 4
Vol 9, No 4
“So this is what the Earth feels like!”
Inside This Issue
- In the Year 2000 Let There Be Peace and Let It Begin with Me
- Turkeys Want to Be Friends, Not Food
- UPC Takes Action for Thanksgiving Compassion
- The Washington Post Profiles United Poultry Concerns
- In Memoriam: Morning Glory
- Children's Advocate Joins Murder Magnate?
- “2000: Year of the Humane Child”
- Activists Force Boy Scouts to Cancel Chicken Slaughter
- Violence in the Schools? Check Out the Classroom
- The Incredible IN-EDIBLE Egg
- Martha Stewart in Bad Taste
- Fabulous New Turkey Button
- Red Cross Honors Chicken Saviors
- Thank You Fundraisers!
- Crow-Magnons Have Met Their Match!