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PoultryPress is published quarterly by United Poultry Concerns, Inc.,
a national nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization incorporated in the State of Maryland.
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Winter-Spring 2010-2011
Volume 20, Number 4
Vol 20, No 4
Poultry Press
Celebrating 20 years of dedicated activism for domestic fowl
Karen Desk crop
Photo: Davida G. Breier
“Through the years, people have inspired me with their beautiful stories of birds they love including harrowing accounts of risks they have taken to rescue a rooster or a hen from cruelty to safety. This issue of Poultry Press features the heroic actions of a high school student who defied her teacher’s demand that she kill the chicken she had raised in his classroom. It is fitting that we begin the New Year with the story of Whitney Hillman. As I wrote in my letter to her principal, ‘It is easy to venerate pioneers of the past. Whitney Hillman is in the present, and she is definitely the hope of the future.’” – Karen Davis, President of United Poultry Concerns

Inside This Issue

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Our sanctuary rooster Kingsley is so handsome with his snow-white plumage and snowy tail feathers, his large red comb crowning his majestic head, his high-stepping walk on regal rooster legs, and his deep-throated crow that soars forth every morning. This photo, by Davida G. Breier, was a winner in the 2011 Chicken Run Rescue Calendar Photo Contest in which winning photos are published each year in a beautiful Chicken Calendar. To order and learn more, including how to enter the next contest, go to www.brittonclouse.com/chickenrunrescue.

Wishing You a Happy New Year!
Please renew your membership for 2011