Camera-ready copies of the following advertisements are available for $10(US).
The standard two column ad sizes are listed below each ad.
To sponsor one of the below ads:
- Talk to the newspaper/publication that you are planning to place the ad to find out the following information:
- Tell them the size of your ad.
- Do they accept camera ready copy? If not, what do they accept?
- What is the line screen(lines per inch) they use?
Most newspapers use a 85-line screen although some use a 65-line screen.
- Call Craig Mummey at (301) 314-8500 with the above information. If everything
is ok, send him $10 and he will send you the camera-ready copy to send to the publication.
Craig Mummey
Maryland Media
University of Maryland
3144 South Campus Dining Hall
College Park, MD 20742 (301) 314-8500.
WIDTH:4.25" HEIGHT: 5"
WIDTH: 4.25" HEIGHT: 5.5"
WIDTH: 4.25" HEIGHT: 5.5"