Ducks & Geese
Industry Down Domestic Ducks & Geese Foie Gras
- “‘Euthanized’ Not the Right Word for Killings of Geese in Salisbury” - Karen Davis’s Letter to the Editor of the Salisbury Daily Times 12 July 2019 (Also in UPC Fall 2019 Poultry Press)
- District Attorney Will Pursue Justice for Duck Beaten To Death By College Men In Tallapoosa County, Alabama 9 July 2019 (Also in UPC Fall 2019 Poultry Press)
- Protest Slaughter of Canada Geese in Denver, Colorado 3 July 2019
- Ducks Bashed Against Wall and Decapitated - Demand Justice 18 October 2016
- Letter to Sonoma County District Attorney Regarding Reichardt Duck Farm 30 October 2014
- Ducks in Despair: Take Action! 28 October 2014
- Undercover Video Reveals Misery of Farmed Ducks 23 October 2014
(Also in UPC Winter 2014 Poultry Press) - New Hatchery Video Shows the Miseries Forced on Newly-Hatched Birds 2 June 2010
- Goose Raising, USDA Farmers' Bulletin 767 21 June 2005
- Contact Albertsons for the Ducks 31 January 2005
- Ducks | Viva!
- Comments to EPA on Dry Lots for Ducks Submitted By UPC

Rescued Ducks Swimming at UPC Sanctuary
- Warm Winter Coats (Cruelty Free) 4 December 2015
- Birds Suffer Horribly for Pillows & Coats 13 July 2013
- Urge Marriott to Discontinue Feather & Down Products 27 August 2024 (Also in UPC Fall 2024 Poultry Press)
- Marriott Hotels: Stop Purchasing Down Pillows and Down Duvets for Hotel Rooms and for Sale Online 26 June 2015
- Urge Marriott and Nordstrom to Discontinue Feather & Down Products UPC Summer 2014 Poultry Press
- “Birds Suffer Horribly for Pillows & Coats” - Now Available! UPC Fall 2013 Poultry Press
- Pillows of Pain & Clothes Filled with Cruelty UPC Summer 2013 Poultry Press
- Feathers Ripped From Live Birds for Coats and Pillows UPC Winter-Spring 2013 Poultry Press
- Feathers ripped from birds' backs and gaping wounds sewn up with no pain relief: The barbaric cost of your winter coat 30 November 2012
- European Geese & Ducks Plucked Alive 15 February 2009 (article in Sweden's largest morning newspaper)
- Pier 1 Drops Feathers from Pillows 14 Marcy 2006 (also in UPC Spring 06 Poultry Press)
- Why is Viva!USA Down on Pier 1 Imports? 11 January 2005
- Live Plucking of Geese and Eider Ducks for Down
Photo: Gary Kaplan

Domestic Ducks & Geese
- Demand Prosecution of Alabama Students Who Savagely Beat a Duck to Death with a Bat 2 July 2019
- Ducks are NOT Easter Toys! Do Not Buy, Sell, or Release These Birds into “the Wild”! 23 March 2018
- Are All Your Ducks In a Row? Did You Know...? 22 March 2018
- UPC Welcomes Four Ducks to Our Sanctuary! 22 February 2018
- Ducklings Are Not Easter Toys 3 March 2017
- UPC Helps Rescue 52 Geese and 4 Ducks in Woodland, California 6 August 2014 (Also in UPC Fall 2014 Poultry Press)
- Dozens of Ducks and Geese Dying in Drought Stricken California: Please Help 4 August 2014
- Save Mute Swans and Help Pekin Ducks in New York State 31 January 2014
- Esperanza, Story of a Rescued Broiler Chicken, and Ducks Who Escaped the Guns: Two short videos of beloved birds 8 January 2014
- A Win for Geese in North Hempstead, New York 29 May 2013
- How to Capture a Duck Who Needs Help 27 August 2008
- No Escape from Harsh Reality - the plight of domestic ducks and geese 20 May 2004
- Sites for duck care:,
Foie Gras

Worker force-feeding duck
- New York City Foie Gras Ban Overturned UPC Fall 2024 Poultry Press
- UK government asks chefs for vegan recipes to replace foie gras 14 November 2021
- California’s Foie Gras Ban Upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court, January 2019
- An Open Letter to Pets Lifeline, Plus Update & Action Alert 26 July 2016
- Federal Judge Blocks California's Ban on Foie Gras 7 January 2015 - (
- Laying Hens and Foie Gras Ducklings: Harper’s Magazine & Newsweek Reports 22 October 2014
- Supreme Court leaves California foie gras ban intact 15 October 2014
- CA Foie Gras Ban Takes Effect 5 July 2012
- Hudson Valley Foie Gras Found Guilty of Violations, and Other Foie Gras News 7 May 2010
- Letters Protest “A Defense of Foie Gras” 12 March 2008
- San Diego Meeting Dec 6 to Ban Foie Gras: Help is Needed! 4 December 2006
- UPC Co-sponsors Newspaper Ad Condemning the AVMA’s Support for Foie Gras 18 July 2006
- Israel Rules Force-Feeding Must End , Chicago Bans Foie Gras Sale UPC Spring 2006 Poultry Press
- Chicago Bans Foie Gras 28 April 2006
- AVMA Rejects Resolution to Oppose Force Feeding Ducks and Geese for Foie Gras, a Diseased Liver Product 27 September 2005
- Chef Trotter has renounced foie gras, on ethical grounds UPC Spring-Summer 2005 Poultry Press
- Force-feeding of geese and ducks is illegal in Israel! 4 April 2005
- What's bad for the goose...must stop, committee rules 5 January 2005
- California Law Bans Production, Sale of Foie Gras 8 December 2004
- Governor Schwarzenegger Signs SB 1520 Into Law! 1 Octboer 2004
- Why UPC Supports SB 1520 and Urges Everyone Else to Support the Bill 31 August 2004
- Letter to Ban Foie Gras in California! 27 April 2004
- Help Ban Foie Gras in California! 16 April 2004
- Parliamentary Committee in Israel : The Ministry of Agriculture Should Organize to the Complete Ban on Force Feeding of Geese 12 March 2004
- Foie Gras Production Under Attack in California, New York 3 March 2004
- Ducks and Geese Gets Compassionate Action in Israel and the US UPC Winter 2003 Poultry Press
- Professor Supports Abusive Practices 23 December 2003
- Foie gras verdict of the Supreme Court of Israel has been translated into English 14 October 2003
- Duck protest held on New Haven Green 11 October 2003
- Investigators Disclose Horrific Cruelty to Ducks by the U.S. Foie Gras Industry 26 September 2003 (
- The Israeli Supreme Court:Force-feeding of Geese and Ducks Violates the Law 11 August 2003
- Violence on Our Plate: Foie Gras
- The Grief Behind Foie Gras
Illustration: Barry Kent MacKay